<aside> 💡 This template can be used to start a project and align stakeholders on what is trying to be achieved, why, and who will be involved.


Project Kickoff Template Example

What is this project and why are we doing it

1-3 sentences about what we know about this project so far and why we are kicking it off.

Expected outcomes

What metrics do we expect to move? What customer or business outcomes are we hoping for?

Who is involved

Key drivers

Role Who
Project lead
Product manager
Engineering Manager

External dependencies

Who Needed for Point of contact

Timeline & Scope

Scope: { Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large }

Start date End date
Product Requirements Doc
Technical Design Doc
Eng Implementation (very rough idea)

Links & Context

Include any relevant links thus far, such as customer complaints, slack threads of people discussing the problem this would solve, any project bookmarks, etc.