Copy this template and fill it out for yourself - this should take about 30 minutes - then share it with your colleagues.

Communication Style Preferences

Best ways to communicate with you?

Slack? Email? Video calls? Notion? Something else? In what situations do you prefer which? Are there any methods that you dislike or struggle with?

How do you best receive feedback?

Do you prefer very direct feedback or something a bit more careful? Do you prefer face to face or over slack or email? Do you want it right away or in a more structured way in a 1:1? Etc.

How do you give feedback? Do you find it easy or challenging to give feedback? Do you like to give feedback right away or do you need time to structure it? Anything else?

Work Style Preferences

What sort of conditions do you like to work in?

Do you prefer to work at home? In a shared office space? In public spaces?

When and how do you like to work?

When do you like to start and finish your day? Do you prefer to have a regular/fixed schedule or a loose one? Do you like to work in blocks of time or to spread things out? How do you feel about working evenings and weekends? Etc.

What are your preferences for meeting scheduling?

Do you like to have meetings back to back or spread out? Do you like to have them at a specific time of day? Etc.