Motivation — The Secrets Behind How to Create Drive in Yourself and Others

Jean Lee Lessons

Influence = Credibility + Likeability

  1. Credibility
    1. Authority
      1. Be accurate. If you do make mistakes, own up to it.
      2. Solve, don’t just criticize. If you don’t like something, contribute ideas and solutions
      3. Boost visibility
    2. Commitment
      1. Be known for fulfilling every commitment you make. Don’t overpromise. It’s ok to say no more than you say yes
    3. Consistency
      1. Consistently deliver on time to build your trust and credibility.
      2. Communicate if you can’t meet a deadline
  2. Likeability
    1. Social proof
      1. Build up people saying good things about you
    2. Reciprocity
      1. Give more than you take. Give first and be genuine about it.
      2. Do more deposits than you take out.
      3. Initiate conversations.
      4. Show genuine interest in others. Remembering birthdays or special things.
    3. Ask questions and actively listen
      1. Discover shared passions or interests.

Values → Goals → Measurement

Netflix JavaScript Talks - Measure the Change You Want to See in the World

  1. Define what you care about
    1. Consistent user experience
    2. Fast developer shipping time
    3. Polished & performant user experience
  2. Define the goals to get there
    1. Build design system library of components covering typography, forms, animations, icons, etc.
  3. Figure out how to measure whether you’re achieving your goals and values
    1. Monthly developer survey
    2. Usage adoption

3 steps to influence

  1. Measure and define a clear goal. Reach 100% typescript codebase by July 15, 9AM.
  2. Determine the behavior changes needed.
  3. Use the 6 pillars of influence

6 pillars of influence

  1. Personal motivation - Do they get pleasure or meaning from doing the wrong thing?
  2. Personal ability - Can they do it? Is it easy to do the thing?
  3. Social motivation - Are they encouraged by others in either direction?
  4. Social ability - Do others make it easier to do (provide assistance)?
  5. Rewards - Are they rewarded for doing it? Punished for not doing it?