<aside> 💡 This template will help you determine your path forward for becoming known as an expert in particular domain or technical areas.


Example expertise areas

<aside> 💡 Answer the below 3 sections to determine your ideal expertise area.


Areas of impact for the team or company

What you’re good at

What you’re passionate about

⭐️ Results

Look for the intersections between the 3 categories.


Here is the key:

Team or Company impact Good at Passionate about Action item
Double down. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’ll be recognized as an expert of an impactful area and this will help you get to Senior. If you’d like, you can start looking for other
Find impact. Try to find why it’s not impactful. Is there anything you can do in this area that would be impactful? If not, you may need to find something else to be an expert in.
Grow. Invest in courses, mentorship, books, etc. on the topic to grow in it more. Then start getting visibility in that area.
Switch visibility. Start getting visibility in another area you are passionate about that brings the company impact. Either that or accept your expertise area and the benefits it will bring you.